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2020 Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting (SITC)

The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer’s (SITC) 35th Anniversary Annual Meeting & Pre-Conference Programs (SITC 2020) will be reimagined as a fully VIRTUAL experience this year to ensure the health and...

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PEGS Europe Virtual

BENEFITS OF OUR VIRTUAL EVENT Registered virtual participants were provided access through an email from If you have not received your login, please contact us now. If you have not...

Society for Glycobiology Annual Meeting

2020 Virtual Society for Glycobiology Annual Meeting November 9-12, 2020 Glycans on proteins and lipids regulate normal cellular and tissue functions and directly contribute to progression of many human diseases....


HIT Conference 2020

This year’s Health Information Technology (HIT) Conference is about interoperability, connections and data sharing in the healthcare industry. It’s time for us to facilitate connections and communication about the technology...