Free Virtual Conference – Precision Medicine & Rare Disease

Patients living with rare diseases are often persistently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, potentially resulting in no treatment at all or treatments that are ineffective or unsafe. Due to the lack of definitive diagnostics or efficacious and safe therapies, foundations and research centers have been raising funds for re-purposing existing therapeutics or developing new drugs (typically classified...


California Reopening: What You Need to Know | Biocom California

Biocom California invites you to a upcoming webinar where we will review the upcoming changes to Cal/OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) anticipated to go into effect in June. The discussion will cover modifications to the ETS, how the ETS updates will interact with the newly relaxed CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals, and the bottom-line...

Antiepileptic Drug and Device Trials

The 16th conference on Antiepileptic Drug and Device Trials is held every two years and sponsored by The Epilepsy Study Consortium in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania and the Epilepsy Foundation. If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Mary Ann Brodie or Tracy DeVito at the Epilepsy Study Consortium. THE IN-PERSON...

QB3 Webinar: John York, Impossible Foods

As Chief Science Officer at Impossible Foods, Dr. John York, PhD, leads a fast-growing R&D team expected to double in size in 2021. Before joining the company in January, York served as the Chair of the Department of Biochemistry and a Professor of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University from 2012 to 2020, where his laboratory paved...