Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas, recusandae!

place address 12333, city, AL, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet aspernatur assumenda commodi dolorem dolores eius error est et eveniet ex, excepturi facilis harum iste itaque labore magnam maiores, mollitia nisi nostrum obcaecati odio odit officia quo ratione repellendus sapiente soluta! Ad delectus deserunt explicabo labore perspiciatis provident quaerat similique tenetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas, recusandae! 2

place address 12333, city, AL, United States

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet aspernatur assumenda commodi dolorem dolores eius error est et eveniet ex, excepturi facilis harum iste itaque labore magnam maiores, mollitia nisi nostrum obcaecati odio odit officia quo ratione repellendus sapiente soluta! Ad delectus deserunt explicabo labore perspiciatis provident quaerat similique tenetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...



place address 12333, city, AL, United States

This an example


Collaborations That Transform – Emerging Opportunities In Multiple Sclerosis And Neurosciences

Dear Colleagues and Friends, Can we build a roadmap to conquer Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a disease that impacts more than 2 million globally as the leading non-traumatic disability disorder in young adults? How have lessons learnt so far shed light on broader neuroscience R&D? On September 24, join us for “Emerging Opportunities in Multiple Sclerosis...

2020: The Year of TRUE Convergence of TECH+BIOTECH+MEDTECH in Healthcare

This is NOT another COVID event, but a look at how the global pandemic has changed the way life science companies operate, make deals and keep their technologies moving forward. It is also a look at how TECH+BIOTECH+MEDTECH have converged at an accelerated pace and what it might mean for the future of healthcare. The...

California Parkinson Disease Registry Conference

The California Parkinson’s Disease Registry and the Parkinson Association of Northern California are hosting a free virtual conference on Saturday, September 26, 2020 from 10:00am – 12:00pm for the broader Parkinson’s Disease Community. The California Parkinson Disease Registry conference team and guest speakers will share current information about the registry and what comes next. Participation...

Legislative Roundtable with Congressman Scott Peters

Please join us for a Legislative Roundtable with Congressman Scott Peters to discuss matters of importance to our life science industry. Representative Peters is serving his fourth term in the U.S. House of Representatives and represents California’s 52nd congressional district, which includes a large portion of San Diego’s life science cluster. Congressman Peters serves on...

Risk Assessment on the Clinical Supply Chain

Risk Assessment on the Clinical Supply Chain Clinical trial supply inherently carries many risks. Since March, the world has had to adapt to a drop of nearly 90% in available commercial flights, and yet the transportation needs of clinical trials remain the same. In this webinar, PCI Clinical Trial services will discuss the risks that...

Vaccines 101: Insights From Industry And Academia

What does it take to make a vaccine and are they all the same? Join us for a panel with renowned virus experts Dr. Kate Broderick, SVP Research & Development at INOVIO Pharmaceuticals, and Dr. Erica Ollmann Saphire, Professor of Immunology and Microbiology at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology, who will discuss the trajectory...

Life Science Human Capital Innovation Alliance: COVID-19 Return to Work Event

Join the Life Sciences Human Capital Innovation Alliance for a virtual event discussing the findings of our most recent survey titled "COVID-19 Return to Work Survey". During the event we will discuss the data points from the survey and talk with regional COVID-19 subject matter experts. Through the survey data points and regional experts we will...