Biocom California: Bay Area Life Science Happy Hour

Biocom California and Fisher Scientific invite you to a happy hour at Longfellow's Redwood LIFE property to network with fellow life science enthusiasts in the greater Bay Area region. This event aims to help build and foster the community and promote idea sharing to accelerate growth in the region. We hope to see you there!...

BVS’ SSF Biotech Community Event

We are very excited to announce BVS' SSF Biotech Community Event at the Embassy Suites, 250 Gateway Boulevard, South San Francisco, CA, 94080. We are inviting all research scientists in South San Francisco and around the Bay to attend this event. The event is being promoted as a special Biotech Community Event sponsored by the...

2022 Patient Advocacy Summit

MassBio's Patient Advocacy Summit showcases the best practices and cutting-edge examples of how life sciences companies can more fully incorporate the patient voice into the work they do throughout the drug development cycle. This year's event theme is “Supporting the Patient from all Angles: For-Profit, Non-Profit, and Government organizations." Join the patient advocacy community as we explore this...

TCT MedTech Innovation Forum

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many unforeseeable changes in health care and the global economy. As the world recovers from this crisis, the MedTech field faces new challenges but also unprecedented opportunities. The mission of the TCT MedTech Innovation Forum, a global assembly of major stakeholders involved in MedTech innovation is to identify, address and formulate solutions...

Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) Conference

Boston Convention and Exhibition Center 415 Summer St,, Boston, MA, United States

What to Expect NETWORKING Build long-lasting connections with peers and key opinion leaders from around the globe. LIVE CASES Learn from more than 30 live cases performed by world-renowned experts from more than 15 of the world’s most prestigious medical institutions. HANDS-ON TRAINING Participate in a comprehensive suite of hands-on training programs designed by world-renowned...

2022 Science of Stability Conference

The Science of Stability (SOS) Conference exposes attendees to the latest discoveries and innovations in the science of stability across different industries that include pharmaceuticals, generics, nutraceuticals, Over-the-Counter (OTC), and consumer products. It is a must-attend program for anyone interested in accelerated aging, degradation chemistry, and stability. SOS 2022 will be the 7th Science of...

i2b2 tranSMART 2022 Harvard Symposium

We are pleased to announce the  i2b2 tranSMART 2022 Harvard Symposium will be a live event in Boston, September 19-20! This annual event brings together academic, industry and government clinicians, scientists and technologies who share the experience of using i2b2 and/or tranSMART from across the US, Europe, and beyond.  The two day meeting includes speakers...

The Fierce New Product Planning Summit

The Fierce New Product Planning Summit is the ONLY conference dedicated to defining how the new product planning role and related functions make informed, value-based, data-driven decisions about products in the pipeline. Life science industry professionals gather here each year to consider how and when to utilize various resources and ask the right questions to ensure commercial success.

Precision Medicine Annual Conference – 2022: The New “Normal”?

Harvard Medical School 77 Ave Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA, United States

This year our annual conference will focus on novel applications as well as long-standing challenges of genetic testing, a measurement modality central to precision medicine. While the clinical applications of genetic testing have broadened from a single gene focus to increasingly available whole genome sequencing and genome-wide risk scores, there remains much confusion around the appropriate...