2020 Medical Technologies & Diagnostics Forum
For more information, please contact Nadine Miller at nmiller@cgf.com.
For more information, please contact Nadine Miller at nmiller@cgf.com.
We are pleased to share with you the program for 2020 SNO Virtual Annual Meeting! While we are all of course disappointed to not to be together in Austin this year, we hope you will agree that the virtual program offers a varied and stimulating selection of invited lectures and peer-reviewed talks on the cutting edge of...
SCON Biochemistry 2020: The Congress is intended to bring together leading academics and scientists in the field of Biochemistry and Biochemical Techniques to exchange and share relevant experiences in their practice. This would center on presentations and discussions on research results on all aspects of Biochemistry and Biochemical Techniques. It will also provide a platform for interdisciplinary researchers, practitioners, and...
After the successful completion of two Editions, INBC is pleased to announce its 3rd Edition of "NEUROLOGY VIRTUAL 2020" during November 19-20, 2020. 3rd International Webinar on Neurology and Brain Disorders will offer you an impressive roaster of speakers, quality attendees and compelling content and is an excellent opportunity for leading academicians and scholars from universities and institutes to...
Life Sciences and Health Care Horizons virtual event series The fast pace of innovation in the life sciences and health care industry has reached an all-time high in 2020 as the industry grapples with the new reality of trying to solve the COVID-19 crisis while also keeping its usual business and science efforts in forward...
Biocom's Device & Diagnostics Committee Presents: Diversity and Inclusion in the Life Science Industry Join us for an open discussion on what some of the key challenges are and what we can do as a community to move the needle on an issue that is critical for our industry to grow and develop. How do...
The 2020 Clinical Trial Summit is a half-day program designed specifically for those planning and conducting clinical trials or those who are seeking advice when selecting outsourced providers.
The Entrepreneurship Program Innovation Community (EPIC) supports the development of iGEMs entrepreneurial community. The vision of the program is to become the driving force behind hundreds of SynBio based start-ups globally to help accelerate our transition to a more sustainable bioeconomy. The core of the program is focused on supporting iGEMers by connecting them to relevant co-founders,...
CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna, PhD (University of California, Berkeley/HHMI) was recently awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Emmanuelle Charpentier, PhD, a microbiologist at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin. In 2012, the Doudna and Charpentier labs teamed up to publish a landmark paper in which they adapted the CRISPR microbial anti-viral defense system...
As an industry, we produce data. Lots of it. It is inherent to what we do and clearly necessary for bringing innovative therapies to patients. Whether it is monitoring patient data for safety or operational data for oversight purposes, the pandemic has escalated data accessibility to a top strategic priority for companies. Increasingly, Sponsors are...
In celebration of mRNA Day 2020, TriLink is proud to present back-to-back webinars by two pioneers of the mRNA therapeutic platform: Dr. Katalin Kariko and Dr. Drew Weissman. Dr. Kariko will provide an overview of the history of mRNA therapeutics, while Dr. Weissman will provide his perspective on the future of mRNA medicines. In a...
Join four days of digital partnering and establish new global connections thanks to pre-arranged one-on-one ZOOM meetings. Biotechgate Digital Partnering is designed to support the business development of Biotech, Medtech and Pharma companies.