From The Laboratory To Leadership

From The Laboratory To Leadership turns science-minded managers into capable business leaders. That means they'll get the core management skills they need to fully leverage your company's human capital. In this four-day program, developed exclusively for managers in scientific fields, participants will learn how to … – Create productive teams in a challenging matrix-based team environment...

Medical Design & Manufacturing East

Informa is a leading international events, intelligence and scholarly research group. Our purpose is to champion the specialist. Through hundreds of powerful brands we work with businesses and professionals in specialist markets, providing the connections, intelligence and opportunities that help customers grow, do business, make breakthroughs and take better informed decisions. Informa is listed on...

Women Leading in STEM – Multiple Paths to Success (Without a PhD)

Have you ever wondered what career avenues are available for those who want to work in STEM but may not want to take the traditional route of obtaining a Ph.D.? Women Accelerators next round table panel discussion will explore just that!  Join in our informative conversation with a panel of women leaders in STEM who broke...

The Evolving Role of the CDMO: Integrated First-in-Human Services Symposium

A significant fraction of the biopharma pipeline is held by small – and even virtual – biopharma companies. These companies often lack the all of the capabilities, expertise and/or bandwidth necessary to advance their molecules to initial clinical studies. In the absence of internal resources, small biopharma often look to contract development and manufacturing organizations...

Breakthrough Trends & Innovations in Biosimilars That Will Matter in 2021

Biologics are becoming increasingly important in terms of new drug products and sales. In this presentation we will discuss innovative approaches to expediting biosimilar development. The presentation will have a comprehensive overview, 1. Growth opportunities for Biosimilars - new trends and advancements 2. Key trends impacting commercialization. 3. Application (Oncology, Rheumatology, Inflammatory and Other Application)...

Free Virtual Conference – Precision Medicine & Rare Disease

Patients living with rare diseases are often persistently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, potentially resulting in no treatment at all or treatments that are ineffective or unsafe. Due to the lack of definitive diagnostics or efficacious and safe therapies, foundations and research centers have been raising funds for re-purposing existing therapeutics or developing new drugs (typically classified...


California Reopening: What You Need to Know | Biocom California

Biocom California invites you to a upcoming webinar where we will review the upcoming changes to Cal/OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) anticipated to go into effect in June. The discussion will cover modifications to the ETS, how the ETS updates will interact with the newly relaxed CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated individuals, and the bottom-line...