Diagnostics and Research Tools Hybrid Partnering Conference

Exclusively designed for  companies and investors in AI-/digital diagnostics, digital health and research tools. Meet your partner at DxPx. Always parallel to virtual.MEDICA! NEW TICKET OPTION DIGITAL ONLY! - Virtual One-to-one meetings made possible...

The CTOS 2020 Annual Meeting

Message from the President The CTOS board has decided to arrange the 25th Annual meeting as a virtual meeting over the dates of November 18-21, 2020. Unfortunately, the uncertainties linked...

2020 SNO Annual Meeting

We are pleased to share with you the program for 2020 SNO Virtual Annual Meeting!  While we are all of course disappointed to not to be together in Austin this...

iGEM Startup Showcase 2020

The Entrepreneurship Program Innovation Community (EPIC) supports the development of iGEMs entrepreneurial community. The vision of the program is to become the driving force behind hundreds of SynBio based start-ups globally to...

Biotechgate Digital Partnering

Join four days of digital partnering and establish new global connections thanks to pre-arranged one-on-one ZOOM meetings. Biotechgate Digital Partnering is designed to support the business development of Biotech, Medtech...

2nd RNA Editing Summit

As CRISPR genome editing struggles to overcome key specificity and delivery challenges in its pursuit to realize therapeutic applications, the 2nd RNA Editing Summit returns to help you accelerate the...

Informa Connect’s Rare Disease Summit

CBI/EBD Group’s Rare Disease Summit convenes industry, patient groups, investors and policy makers to unite in areas of unmet medical need and create life-transforming therapies and breakthroughs. KEYNOTES FOR 2020!...

MassBio Town Hall – 2021 Biotech Outlook

MassBio’s President & CEO, Bob Coughlin, will host a regular virtual Town Hall for members. This will be an opportunity for our members to ask questions, hear what MassBio is...

Webinar: 2021 Preview: A 360 Degree Global Market View

Join BIO and LaVoieHealthScience for our next Global Market View webinar on December 1 at 10:30AM ET. Our panel of industry leaders with share their perspectives on several topics including...

Bayer BioLyceum

The prospect of raising capital for early stage companies (pre-seed to Series A) in times of uncertainty always present challenges. Funders continue to invest in companies they have worked with...

The Digital 16th Scrip Awards

Important news! After carefully monitoring the global COVID-19 situation over recent months and out of concern for the health and well being of all our attendees, sponsors, and staff, we...